Caithkin Treatment Foster Homes Logo
Foster Parenting
What's Involved
What's Involved

If you are interested in being a foster parent there are several criteria that must be met.

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Types Of Foster Homes
Types Of Foster Homes

At Caithkin we ensure that our foster parents are prepared to care for children in different circumstances.

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Why Fostering Matters
Why Fostering Matters

Currently, there are almost 18,000 children and youth living in foster care in the Province and the need for stable home environments continues to grow.

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Welcome To


Caithkin's foster families are organized in a manner that melds structure with the flexibility required to meet the needs of each individual family. A clinical worker is assigned to each family to support the foster parents and we provide 24/7 support to foster parents. Well supported foster families provide the right kind of environment so the child can develop in a healthy and positive manner that is grounded in normalcy and with a sense of belonging.  

Get Involved

If fostering isn't an option, there are so many other way you can help Caithkin. Fill out our volunteer application form today!

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  • grey-icon-location Come &
  • 499 River Road West
    Wasaga Beach, ON, L9Z 2X2

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