Caithkin’s foster families are organized in a manner that melds structure and stability with the flexibility required to meet the needs of each individual family. A clinical worker is assigned to each family to support the foster parents and we provide 24/7 support to foster parents. Well supported foster families provide the right kind of environment so the child can develop in a healthy and positive manner that is grounded in normalcy and with a sense of belonging.

Caithkin's expertise and experience with special needs children allows us to 'know' where these children will 'fit' best within a particular family. At Caithkin, we also believe that sharing experiences with others who are dealing with similar challenges and opportunities is healthy for everyone concerned.
To facilitate communication we host annual Christmas parties and summer BBQs. These events promote growth and enhance the well-being of each Treatment Parents' family and, as a result, the well-being of each child. Caithkin strives to develop, practice, and deliver policies that support the integral structures of the Treatment Parents' family

Well-supported foster families provide the right kind of environment so the child can develop in a healthy and positive manner that is grounded in normalcy and with a sense of belonging. Caithkin's expertise and experience with special needs children allows us to 'know' where these children will 'fit' best within a particular family. At Caithkin, we also believe that sharing experiences with others who are dealing with similar challenges and opportunities is healthy for everyone concerned.